
One basic law of existence is the interaction and reaction between different parts of the creation, for us as humans it is also sharing with people and the outer world; can you imagine a painting without someone that see it or a music where there is none to hear it?

Who receives and who gives are essential both to each other. Fundamental is to give usefull information  and receive it aware that the information given is always filtered and part of a moment which can be different from the present, in fact the output from the source of our figures can change in time and based on different observer and receiver.

The push to find comes and it results in the unicity of a personal experience.

What are our limits is a difficult question, we think we have the power, we can control everything and  sometimes it seems like that but in the end of a research we deeply find that we are subject to uncontrollable forces and we fight against them. We observe, we notice that the rain from the clouds fall down and the trees absorb it so they can grow and produce oxygen that allows us to breath. We understand that as part of a system we are interconnected to it, paradoxically we are as infinite as limited. Accepting our limits helps opening to the life we are living, with a new understanding and no destructive judgments of events and other people.


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